RFR: 8296190: TestMD5Intrinsics and TestMD5MultiBlockIntrinsics don't test the intrinsics

Volker Simonis simonis at openjdk.org
Wed Nov 2 18:41:52 UTC 2022

On Wed, 2 Nov 2022 17:30:19 GMT, Yi-Fan Tsai <duke at openjdk.org> wrote:

> Increase WARMUP_ITERATIONS to get MD5 hash from the intrinsic.
> Both TestMD5Intrinsics and TestMD5MultiBlockIntrinsics are run with options "-XX:CompileThreshold=500 -XX:Tier4InvocationThreshold=500", so the current value is too low for the intrinsic to be executed.

I'm a little surprised that this isn't detected. The tests you mention have a verification step (i.e. compiler.testlibrary.intrinsics.Verifier) which should detect this. Can you please check why that is not the case and if this also affects other intrinsic tests?

Also, it is a little unfortunate, that the new warmup value still implicitly depends on the -XX:CompileThreshold=500 setting in the actual test. It would be more stable to get that value explicitly (e.g. by using the WhiteBox API) and use a strictly bigger warmup value.

Finally, I think the actual tests should be run with -Xbatch to be sure that the corresponding methods have really been compiled.


Changes requested by simonis (Reviewer).

PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/10954

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