RFR: 8302384: Handle hsdis out-of-bound logic for RISC-V [v2]

Xiaolin Zheng xlinzheng at openjdk.org
Tue Feb 21 03:42:28 UTC 2023

On Mon, 20 Feb 2023 07:06:11 GMT, Xiaolin Zheng <xlinzheng at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> src/utils/hsdis/binutils/hsdis-binutils.c line 204:
>>> 202:       int size = (*app_data->dfn)((bfd_vma) p, &app_data->dinfo);
>>> 203: 
>>> 204:       if (size <= 0 RISCV_ONLY(|| size == EIO)) {
>> That should be fixed in binutils as well, or at least reported.
> Reasonable, too. Will send one. Although I think we may not likely get rid of this less-than-graceful check... only if this issue is fixed in all versions of binutils.

Sent an email yesterday and received one reply. Seems binutils should return a `-1` instead of `status`.

Not a plain text email, so there is some formatting issue. Please ignore.

RFR again for my manual tests with new hsdis installed on x86 and aarch64 JDKs passed; Hotspot tier1~4 (fastdebug) as well.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/12551

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