Rename jdk.internal.vm.compiler to jdk.compiler.graal

Douglas Simon doug.simon at
Thu Oct 19 14:38:43 UTC 2023

Within the last year or so, the Graal team have been making large structural changes to the Graal code base to prepare for merging it into OpenJDK under Project Galahad. It’s important to make these structural changes prior to merging the sources into OpenJDK as they typically involve changes to a large number of files. For example, all code in the jdk.internal.vm.compiler module was consolidated into a single source directory using the standard OpenJDK layout[1]. The commit for this change alone had 3,481 changed files, 317 additions and 1,759 deletions.

The above change could be made without any JDK changes. The next large change being undertaken is to rename the jdk.internal.vm.compiler module to jdk.compiler.graal[4]. Due to the way Java modules work, this does require a JDK change. The details are in but the core of the issue is that the service[2] by which HotSpot can request a Graal compilation is defined in JVMCI and implemented by Graal. Since this service is in the boot layer, it can only be implemented by a provider in the boot layer. This export currently targets jdk.internal.vm.compiler[3] and so the binding will fail once the Graal module is renamed. That is, an export to jdk.compiler.graal is required.

The plan here is to replace the export to jdk.internal.vm.compiler with jdk.compiler.graal. This will allow OpenJDK binaries to keep working with the Graal code base post renaming. That is, it will allow the tip of Graal to continue working with the tip of OpenJDK, something that is important on the path to merging these 2 projects.

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