Withdrawn: 8333891: Method excluded with directive is not compiled after removal of directive

duke duke at openjdk.org
Mon Aug 26 22:48:10 UTC 2024

On Mon, 10 Jun 2024 20:05:03 GMT, Evgeny Astigeevich <eastigeevich at openjdk.org> wrote:

> A Java method can become non-compilable if there are issues with its compilation or if its compiled version causes problems. Additionally, a method can be marked as non-compilable using a compile command or a compiler directive. Since compiler directives can be updated, a directive that disables a method's compilation can be changed or removed.
> Currently, when a Java method is marked as non-compilable, the reason for this status is unknown. If a change in a compiler directive makes the method compilable again, we cannot clear the non-compilable status because we don't know if the directive initially caused the method to become non-compilable.
> To resolve the issue two method flags are introduced: `is_c1_exclude` and `is_c2_excluded`. They mean a Java method is excluded from compilation by a directive. With these flags we can find out a Java method has been excluded with a directive. If the directive changes and allows compilation of the method we can detect this and clear the non-compilable status.
> As accesses to flags must be race free we have to remove getting a directive from `CompileBroker::compile_method`. We combine two `CompileBroker::compile_method` into one. We also move calculation whether compilation is blocking into `CompileBroker::compile_method_base`. The directive used for that calculation is passed to a compile task, so a compile task does not need to get it again.
> A regression test is added.
> Tested fastdebug build on Linux AArch64, Linux x86_64 and Windows Server 2019 x86_64:
> - Tier1/2/3 passed.

This pull request has been closed without being integrated.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/19637

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