Integrated: JDK-8317299: safepoint scalarization doesn't keep track of the depth of the JVM state

Damon Fenacci dfenacci at
Tue Feb 6 07:55:58 UTC 2024

On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 16:31:25 GMT, Damon Fenacci <dfenacci at> wrote:

> # Issue
> The origin of the problem is tied to the fact that, when C2 optimizes vector boxes, it performs safepoint object scalarization before late inlining.
> This can lead to situations in which scalarization adds scalarized values to the JVM state and late inlining of further methods adds further JVM state entries on top for each inlined method.
> With the example of the reported bug (_TestIntrinsicBailOut.java_) we get to a situation like this:
> ...
> bc: JVMS depth=6 loc=20 stk=23 arg=23 mon=23 scalar=23 end=23 mondepth=0 sp=0 bci=1 reexecute=false method=virtual jobject jdk.incubator.vector.ByteVector.rearrangeTemplate(jobject, jobject)
> bc: JVMS depth=7 loc=23 stk=27 arg=27 mon=27 scalar=27 end=27 mondepth=0 sp=0 bci=36 reexecute=false method=virtual jobject jdk.incubator.vector.AbstractShuffle.checkIndexes()
> bc: JVMS depth=8 loc=27 stk=28 arg=28 mon=28 scalar=28 end=28 mondepth=0 sp=0 bci=1 reexecute=false method=virtual jobject jdk.incubator.vector.AbstractShuffle.reorder()
> bc: JVMS depth=9 loc=28 stk=29 arg=29 mon=29 scalar=29 end=31 mondepth=0 sp=0 bci=1 reexecute=false method=virtual jobject jdk.internal.vm.vector.VectorSupport$VectorPayload.getPayload()
> bc: JVMS depth=10 loc=31 stk=32 arg=32 mon=32 scalar=32 end=32 mondepth=0 sp=0 bci=3 reexecute=false method=static jobject jdk.internal.vm.vector.VectorSupport.maybeRebox(jobject)
> bc: JVMS depth=11 loc=32 stk=33 arg=33 mon=33 scalar=33 end=33 mondepth=0 sp=0 bci=1 reexecute=false method=virtual void jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.loadFence()
> `JVMS depth=9` shows 2 scalars but 2 further inlines added 2 more JVM states (with no scalars).
> The corresponding node looks like this:
> <img width="918" alt="image" src="">
> To keep track of its scalarized inputs, `SafePointScalarObjectNode` keeps a field `_first_index`, which is supposed to be  "relative to the last (youngest) jvms->_scloff"...
> but if there are late inlined methods, this field is going to be relative to the JVM state at the depth before inlining happened (e.g. depth=9 in the example) and not relative to the youngest depth.
> # Solution
> In order to keep track of the right depth a `_depth` field is added to `SafePointScalarObjectNode`, which refers to the depth of the JVM state the `_first_index` field refers to. The method `uint first_index(JVMState*...

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 6d911f68
Author:    Damon Fenacci <dfenacci at>
Stats:     22 lines in 5 files changed: 13 ins; 0 del; 9 mod

8317299: safepoint scalarization doesn't keep track of the depth of the JVM state

Reviewed-by: thartmann, vlivanov



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