Review Request: Regression Shark fails to JIT in hs20

Dr Andrew John Hughes ahughes at
Wed Apr 20 15:38:51 PDT 2011

On 16:00 Wed 20 Apr     , Xerxes Rånby wrote:
> Hi
> Shark JIT fails to work when using HotSpot 20.
> This webrev fix by backporting Shark fixes from OpenJDK bug 7032458.
> The webrev are made against hsx20
> I don't have a bug id for this.

AIUI, commits to hs20 are only allowed by Oracle employees.
At least, that's what I've been told in the past.  So this
will need to go into the OpenJDK6 HotSpot tree once hs20 is

If this is a backport of 7032458, why do you need a bug ID?

As a side note, the server you are uploading the webrev to does
not have mime types set up correctly.  I couldn't view the patch
without being asked to download it.  It is viewable on
Is there a reason you aren't using this?

> Cheers
> Xerxes

Andrew :)

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