Code review for SA changes to allow for new processor architectures (7154641)

Christian Thalinger christian.thalinger at
Tue Aug 21 15:06:01 PDT 2012

On Aug 21, 2012, at 2:47 PM, BILL PITTORE <bill.pittore at> wrote:

> These changes allow for the (easier) addition of new processor types to SA other than the standard x86, amd64 and sparc. By using reflection, it is not necessary to instantiate the new class directly in the existing code. Rather the class name is derived from the cpu/os name and is loaded and the constructor called. Note that the existing cpus (x86, amd64, and sparc) code was not modified. Only newly added cpus would go through the reflection code path.

And why is that?  -- Chris

> thanks,
> bill

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