RFR (M): CR 8003985: Support @Contended Annotation - JEP 142
Christian Thalinger
christian.thalinger at oracle.com
Thu Nov 29 10:28:40 PST 2012
On Nov 27, 2012, at 9:57 AM, Aleksey Shipilev <aleksey.shipilev at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is the daizy-fresh thread for reviewing the actual changes to
> support the JEP-142 in HotSpot. Please address API issues about
> @Contended to concurrency-interest list, Doug had started the thread here:
> http://cs.oswego.edu/pipermail/concurrency-interest/2012-November/010208.html
> We are not discussing the design, API and all the general stuff here,
> only the reference implementation. I would like to have someone extra
> knowledgeable in HotSpot codebase to see whether I do anything stupid there.
> The webrev for the change is here:
> http://shipilev.net/pub/jdk/hotspot/contended/webrev-4/
Is this a review for a push?
Is it possible to factor the while-loop to align the fields into a method?
+ bool hasContendedAnnotation() { return has_annotation(_sun_misc_Contended); }
We don't use camel-case method names.
Please keep the indent aligned.
I wonder if we have a spare access_flags bit somewhere we could use for is_contended.
Misses copyright header.
-- Chris
> Notable differences against latest version:
> - a little denser packing in some corner cases
> - support @Contended for static fields
> - moved @Contended to sun.misc (go and nag at c-i@ about this)
> - bugfixes
> Testing:
> - hotspot/test/runtime/8003985/Test8003985 on Linux x86_64
> - jprt, specjvm98 quick run
> - jprt full cycle is underway, looking good
> Thanks,
> Aleksey.
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