RFR (M): CR 8003985: Support @Contended Annotation - JEP 142

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Fri Nov 30 04:14:25 PST 2012

On 30/11/2012 8:44 PM, Aleksey Shipilev wrote:
> On 11/30/2012 07:35 AM, David Holmes wrote:
>> This work can not be pushed until the JEP has moved to the Funded state.
> So... How should one move it to the Funded state?


"A Group Lead, an Area Lead, or the OpenJDK Lead can move a proposal 
from Candidate to Funded and from Funded to Completed."

>> I'd also like to know what testing has been done so far from the regular
>> hotspot testsuites. There may be places where layout assumptions are
>> being made eg oops first.
> Are JPRT acceptance tests enough, or we should do the out-of-cycle VM
> testing before the integration?

JPRT tests are no where near enough - they are absolute minimum. We 
should try to get VM test suites executed: runthese, nsk, plus 
regression tests.


> -Aleksey.

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