RFR: 7200065 Cross-compilation changes to support the new-build

Fredrik Öhrström oehrstroem at gmail.com
Sat Sep 22 10:44:21 PDT 2012

The variable HOST.COMPILE.CXX points to the compiler used to create a
binary that can be
run on the build platform. But for unknown reasons it contains the standard
CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, which are used to create the binary for the platform
where the jvm is going to be executed.

Most of these flags do not hurt the compile for the build platform (though
perhaps they are unnecessary) except the ARCHFLAG, which if not removed,
will cross compile the adlc tool.


Den fredagen den 21:e september 2012 skrev Kelly O'Hair:

> What bothers me on this adlc.make change is that there is no comment in
> the Makefile as to why ARCHFLAG is filtered out
> of the options. Why is this necessary?
> The defs.make file changes look fine.
> -kto
> On Sep 20, 2012, at 11:40 PM, David Holmes wrote:
> > webrev:
> >
> > http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dholmes/7200065/webrev/
> >
> > These are Fredrik's contributions from build-infra being moved to
> mainline (to join the changes Kelly pushed the other day). There is a
> slight change to Fredrik's original changeset due to a bug with the old
> build (PATH_SEP wouldn't get set) - and it's simpler to use ?:= than ifdef.
> >
> > I'm acting as one reviewer but would welcome other eyes.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > David

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