RFR: 8027229: Lambda: ICCE for 2 or more maximally specific methods for interfaces

Karen Kinnear karen.kinnear at oracle.com
Thu Oct 31 10:53:20 PDT 2013

Please review:

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~acorn/8027229/webrev/
bug: http://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8027229

Added support for default method inheritance logic for interfaces.
Removed interface methods from interface vtables.
Better cleanup of 8027304 as well.

specific tests:
1. jdk jtreg: FDSeparateCompilation, DefaultMethodsTest
   including: testSuperConflict (fixed to match specification)
2. vmtestbase defmeth 
   including: SuperCallTest:testSuperConflict (fixed to match specification)
3. jtreg java.util, java.lang, jdk.lambda
4. jck lang, vm
5. nsk vm.quick, vm.mlvm
6. nashorn
7. invoke tests
8. jtreg hotspot/test/runtime, hotspot/test/compiler/jsr292
9. intfbug
10. defmeth with -Xshare:on (for 0 length method array)


matches JVMS: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dlsmith/jsr335-0.7.0/J.html

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