RFR: Forward port of 8055006 - Store original value of Min/MaxHeapFreeRatio

Jesper Wilhelmsson jesper.wilhelmsson at oracle.com
Tue Sep 16 21:51:56 UTC 2014

Thomas Schatzl skrev 16/9/14 22:16:
> Hi,
> On Tue, 2014-09-16 at 20:32 +0200, Jesper Wilhelmsson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The fix for JDK-8055006 was reviewed by several engineers and was pushed
>> directly to 8u40 due to time constraints. This is a forward port to get the same
>> changes into JDK 9.
>> There are two webrevs, one for HotSpot and one for the JDK.
>> The 8u40 HotSpot change applied cleanly to 9 so if this was a traditional
>> backport it wouldn't require another review. But since this is a weird situation
>> and I'm pushing to 9 I'll ask for reviews just to be on the safe side.
>> Also, the original 8u40 push contained some unnecessary changes that was later
>> cleaned up by JDK-8056056. In this port to 9 I have merged these two changes
>> into one to avoid introducing a known issue only to remove it again.
> I would prefer if you pushed all changes in the order they were applied
> at once, even the ones that were buggy and their fix.
> Combining changesets during porting makes comparing source trees to find
> changesets that might have been overlooked very hard.

OK, will do.

> Thanks,
>    Thomas

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