RFR 8130459(M): Add additional validation after heap creation

Coleen Phillimore coleen.phillimore at oracle.com
Fri Jul 17 12:23:11 UTC 2015

I like David's new name suggestions as well.  Anytime => AtParse and 
AfterParse => AfterErgo look better to me.
That was the only thing I was unsure about in my review of this code and 
didn't have a better suggestion.  The rest looks good to me.  I prefer 
_not_ having default argument of AtParse and not adding that 
complication to the macros.  It seems that the constraint writer should 
specify phase when to check the argument.


On 7/17/15 2:42 AM, David Holmes wrote:
> On 17/07/2015 4:19 PM, sangheon.kim wrote:
>> On 07/16/2015 09:49 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>>> On 17/07/2015 2:26 PM, sangheon.kim wrote:
>>>> Hi David,
>>>> Thank you for reviewing this.
>>>> I added my answers below.
>>>> On 07/16/2015 08:48 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>> Hi Sangheon,
>>>>> On 17/07/2015 7:52 AM, sangheon.kim wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Coleen,
>>>>>> Thank you for reviewing this.
>>>>>> On 07/16/2015 01:05 PM, Coleen Phillimore wrote:
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sangheki/8130459/webrev.00/src/share/vm/runtime/commandLineFlagConstraintList.cpp.udiff.html 
>>>>>>> This
>>>>>>> +CommandLineFlagConstraint::ConstraintType
>>>>>>> CommandLineFlagConstraint::change_to_enum(const char* type) {
>>>>>>> function will return the enum if there is junk at the end of the
>>>>>>> string.  Is that expected?
>>>>>> No.
>>>>>> Now I'm thinking like below:
>>>>>> if (strncmp(type, afterParse_str, 10) == 0 && type[10] == '\0') {
>>>>> That seems fine to me.
>>>>> Overall this set of changes looks good to me, though I have a couple
>>>>> of nits:
>>>>> 1. It would be nice if the constraint type could default to AnyTime,
>>>>> rather than having to be explicitly declared - though I understand if
>>>>> the macros make that impractical.
>>>> I thought to have explicit declaration would be better.
>>>> And also I didn't want to adding more complexity into our macro. :)
>>>>> 2. Why do you use AfterParse when it is really "after ergo" ? I can
>>>>> imagine you might need to distinguish the two in the future.
>>>> I didn't think of that.
>>>> Do you prefer 'AfterErgo'?
>>> That works for me.
>> Okay.
>>>>> 3. check_ranges_and_constraints_of_after_parse seems to have three
>>>>> jobs:
>>>>> - a) possibly print ranges and constraints
>>>>> - b) check ranges
>>>>> - c) check constraints
>>>>> Given you are introducing multiple constraint checking phases I think
>>>>> it would be better to factor out the constraint part separately,
>>>> I agree to separating constraints part.
>>>>> then you would not need check_constraints_of_after_parse or
>>>>> check_constraints_of_after_memory_init, as you could simply call eg.:
>>>>> check_constraints(CommandLineFlagConstraint::AfterMemoryInit);
>>>> I also thought about this approach but I thought accessing only via
>>>> CommandLineFlags class would be better rather than including
>>>> commandLineFlagConstraintList.hpp file.
>>>> But I don't have strong opinion on this.
>>> You could have the wrappers on CommandlineFlags class to avoid the
>>> additional includes - though I'm not sure I'd be that worried about
>>> it. But you could still have those wrappers just call
>>> check_constraints and have check_constraints set the validating type.
>> I meant constraint type enum is at 'commandLineFlagConstraintList.hpp
>> and currently 'globals.hpp' doesn't include headers except 'debug.hpp'
>> and variant of 'globals_xxx.hpp'.
>> So I didn't want to add 'commandLineFlagConstraintList.hpp on that.
>> And also I have to add 'commandLineFlagConstraintList.hpp' at thread.cpp
>> and universe.cpp to use as a parameter.
>> How about like below?
>> - bool check_ranges();
>> - bool check_constraints_of_after_ergo();
>> - bool check_constraints_of_after_memory_init();
> Sure
>>> So when do Anytime constraints get checked? I seem to be missing that
>>> part ??
>> Anytime is checked during argument processing.
>> e.g. checking double..
>> Arguments::parse_argument -> set_fp_numeric_flag ->
>> CommandLineFlags::doubleAtPut -> 
>> apply_constraint_and_check_range_double.
> Okay - it's buried :) In that case can I suggest using AtParse instead 
> of Anytime - as it isn't really any time, it will happen when parsing 
> that argument. Not a big deal if others object.
> Thanks,
> David
>>>>> and have it set _validating_type.
>>>>> Also "check constraints of after" is not grammatically well formed.
>>>> These names mean 'check constraint of "AnyTime", "AfterParse",
>>>> "AfterMemoryInit"'. :)
>>> Ah I see I was parsing it wrong. Okay.
>> To avoid header file matter, these names became a little longer.
>> Thanks,
>> Sangheon
>>> Thanks,
>>> David
>>>> David, I will prepare updated webrev after your answer.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Sangheon
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> David
>>>>>> Or do you have any recommendation?
>>>>>> Let me send a revised webrev after hearing your opinion.
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sangheki/8130459/webrev.00/src/share/vm/runtime/commandLineFlagConstraintList.hpp.udiff.html 
>>>>>>> Generally the nonstatic data members of a class are written before
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> functions (at the top of the class declaration).  You may have 
>>>>>>> to put
>>>>>>> these after the enum declaration, but not at the bottom.
>>>>>> Okay, I will fix it.
>>>>>>> I like this change.  I think it looks good.
>>>>>> Thank you!
>>>>>> Sangheon
>>>>>>> Coleen
>>>>>>> On 7/15/15 3:33 AM, sangheon.kim wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>> Please review this change of adding additional validation on
>>>>>>>> command-line flag checking framework.
>>>>>>>> Recently we introduced Command-line flag checking framework
>>>>>>>> (JDK-8059557 
>>>>>>>> <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8059557>, JEP
>>>>>>>> 245: Validate JVM Command-Line Flag Arguments ) for ranges and
>>>>>>>> constraints.
>>>>>>>> And most cases this works great.
>>>>>>>> Unfortunately there are some flags which can be checked after heap
>>>>>>>> creation and these flags are hard to be checked under current
>>>>>>>> framework.
>>>>>>>> In this regard, I suggest to have an additional constraint 
>>>>>>>> checking.
>>>>>>>> This suggestion adds one more constraint checking stage after 
>>>>>>>> memory
>>>>>>>> initialization.
>>>>>>>> And if we need more validations we can extend it.
>>>>>>>> There are 2 big changes.
>>>>>>>> 1. Flag declaration.
>>>>>>>> 'constraint(FUNC)' -> 'constraint(FUNC,TYPE)'
>>>>>>>> This webrev has 3 types, Anytime, AfterParse and AfterMemoryInit.
>>>>>>>> - Anytime: current constraint functions which don't use
>>>>>>>> CommandLineFlags::finishedInitializing().
>>>>>>>> - AfterParse: constraint functions which use
>>>>>>>> CommandLineFlags::finishedInitializing().
>>>>>>>> - AfterMemoryInit: I added only YoungPLABSize as an example.
>>>>>>>>   * All GC related flags will be covered by JDK-8078555
>>>>>>>> <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8078555>: GC: implement
>>>>>>>> ranges (optionally constraints) for those flags that have them
>>>>>>>> missing.
>>>>>>>> 2. Previous constraint functions have to use
>>>>>>>> 'CommandLineFlags::finishedInitializing()' if the flag needs to be
>>>>>>>> checked after Argument::parse().
>>>>>>>> However, with this suggestion there's no need to call the 
>>>>>>>> function.
>>>>>>>> Instead framework will decide when the constraint function is 
>>>>>>>> needed
>>>>>>>> to be called.
>>>>>>>> And previously constraint functions are called twice while this
>>>>>>>> change will call each constraint function only one time.
>>>>>>>> CR: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8130459
>>>>>>>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sangheki/8130459/webrev.00/
>>>>>>>> Testing: JPRT, UTE(vm.quick-pcl) and tests at
>>>>>>>> test/runtime/CommandLine.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Sangheon

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