RFR (L): 8046148: JEP 158 Unified JVM Logging

Coleen Phillimore coleen.phillimore at oracle.com
Fri Sep 11 13:51:20 UTC 2015

I'm not a big fan of having these blanks in the logging lines.  I don't 
think making the line length longer is going to be helpful and what 
people are looking for is the message at the end, not which tag and 
level they used.  I think they look kind of strange.


On 9/11/15 9:40 AM, Marcus Larsson wrote:
> Yes, decorators are padded to avoid jagged logs and help readability. 
> Since the levels are known beforehand, a fixed padding is used for 
> that decorator. For other decorators such as tags or timestamps, the 
> padding will grow to the size of the longest (so far) seen decoration. 
> This means the decorator prefix length will either stay the same or 
> increase, but never decrease. After a while it should stabilize around 
> some fitting length and not grow significantly.
> For example:
> [0.655s][debug  ][safepoint] Safepoint synchronization initiated. (20)
> [0.656s][debug  ][safepoint, some_other_tag] Safepoint synchronization 
> initiated. (20)
> [0.657s][debug  ][safepoint,               ] Safepoint synchronization 
> initiated. (20)
> [10.657s][debug  ][safepoint,               ] Safepoint 
> synchronization initiated. (20) \ 

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