RFR: JDK-5108778 Too many instances of java.lang.Boolean created in Java application

Sebastian Sickelmann sebastian.sickelmann at gmx.de
Sun Sep 27 16:58:04 UTC 2015


my name is Sebastian Sickelmann and i signed the OCA.

Actually I am searching through the JBS for low hanging fruits.
Right now i am looking through the openjdk-sources and try to evaluate
if i can make something about JDK-5108778.

As I am not an author, I am actually not able to host webrevs on

Is there someone who would support at hosting the hotspot-part of
JDK-5108778 on cr.openjdk.java.net for reviewing?

I placed the hotspot part in my dropbox at:
or as zip:

I executed all jtreg tests in hotspot/test and get no more errors than before the change.

-- Sebastian

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