RFR (XL): 8152664 - Support non-continuous CodeBlobs in HotSpot

Tobias Hartmann tobias.hartmann at oracle.com
Thu Apr 7 14:50:56 UTC 2016

Hi Rickard,

I had a look at some parts of the changes. Here are my comments:

-> If we still need NMethodIterator it should be merged with CompiledMethodIterator using C++ templates to avoid code duplication.
-> NMethodMarker is not used and should be removed
-> CompiledMethodMarker differs from NMethodMarker (it should be merged with latest changes)
-> the comment in line 432 is confusing. Shouldn't it be something like "Only flushing nmethod so size..."?
-> the comment describing the sweeper cycle should be updated
-> line 69: "Current nmethod" should be changed to "Current compiled method"
-> is_sweeping(nmethod* which) is not used and can be removed
-> set_scanned_nmethod() name and comment should be fixed. I also wonder if it's necessary to track/lock CompiledMethod. Shouldn't it be sufficient to lock nmethod?

I also noticed some minor style issues:

-> "CompiledMethod *nm" vs. "CompiledMethod* nm"
-> typo: "deoptimizatation"
-> wrong indentation in line 265 (whitespace was removed)
-> unnecessary newline in line 916
-> wrong indentation of "\" at line ends (multiple times)

Best regards,

On 07.04.2016 14:12, Rickard Bäckman wrote:
> Hi,
> can I please have review for this patch please?
> So far CodeBlobs have required all the data (metadata, oops, code, etc)
> to be in one continuous blob With this patch we are looking to change
> that. It's been done by changing offsets in CodeBlob to addresses,
> making some methods virtual to allow different behavior and also
> creating a couple of new classes. CompiledMethod now sits inbetween
> CodeBlob and nmethod.
> CR: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8152664
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rbackman/8152664/
> Thanks
> /R

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