Profiling interpreter vs. compiled time + proof of concept

Adrian withoutpointk at
Sun Apr 10 21:02:22 UTC 2016


I am a student at the University of Toronto, working on a research
project studying JVM performance with a focus on distributed systems.
As part of the study, we want to know the time the JVM spends
interpreting code, and the time it spends in compiled (JNI/native or
jitted) code.
For example, for a program repeating a task, you can see the
interpreter time for each iteration decrease.
A timer for interpreted and compiled code can be used to
finely-grained see the performance of the jit (warmup time +
improvement over interpreter).

Interpreter -> native, and native -> interpreted calls are relatively
easy to track and time as there are clear boundaries.
However, it’s tricky to track transitions between interpreted and
jitted code, especially with complications such as OSR and

We have an implementation for the amd64 linux build, which is described below.
Before we solved all the issues, we often encountered crashes.
Of course, we are not JVM experts and may be missing other edge cases.
Regardless, it has been working on our workloads such as reading on
HDFS or running queries on Spark.
As these are fairly complex workloads, we are confident it is
successful at least as a proof of concept.

We have found this instrumentation to have negligible overhead (less
than the inherent variance between multiple runs).
Furthermore, because most of the instrumentation is done in code blobs
generated by the dynamic
Assembler/MacroAssembler/InterpreterMacroAssembler, when
instrumentation is disabled, it's essentially non-existent.

Our modifications will be open sourced, but we wanted to know if
OpenJDK developers would be interested in adding something like this
in the future.
I've attached a patch which should be up to date with the latest revision.
I've also uploaded the patches and a prebuilt binary (linux amd64):

You enable profiling with the flag -XX:+ProfileIntComp, and get the
time in nanoseconds inside a Java program from a java.lang.Thread
Thread th = Thread.currentThread();
long a = th.getIntTime();
long b = th.getCompTime();

The times include a bit of JVM initialization (we have not found a
perfect solution for this), so for short running programs you should
call `resetIntCompTimes` at the start of `main`.

Regarding the code, it is currently quite hacky because this is my and
my team's first time really modifying the JVM.
I was not familiar with the code structure, and tried to keep most of
my additions in 1 file (sharedRuntime.cpp) instead of worrying about
modularizing stuff.
For example, thread local data is added to the JavaThread class, and
the data is exposed in the java.lang.Thread class.
If OpenJDK developers are interested in this, we are happy to continue
working on this to make it consistent with the proper JVM structure
(would need feedback/pointers).

We are using it for our research and fixed many problems we
encountered, but if anyone encounters anything or knows of any
potential problems, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Below is a high level description of the implementation (specific to
linux 64 bit).
The goal is to track transitions between interpreted, native, and
jitted (standard + OSR compilation) code so we can precisely track the
time the JVM spends in each type (currently, native and jitted code
are lumped as "compiled" code, but it would be trivial to separate
them), and the challenge is with jitted code.

Interpreted calls pass all arguments on the stack, whereas the
compiled calling convention uses 6 registers for integer/pointer
There are adapters - generated in `sharedRuntime_x86_64.cpp`.
Methods with the same signature share adapters, which move arguments
from the stack into registers (i2c) or from registers onto the stack
It is easy to add instrumentation to these adapters to track a "call

When the callee returns, we need a "return transition" back to the
caller's state.
However, there is no existing place we can do this, as callees merely
pop their stack frame and jump to the return address.
Our solution is to save the "real return address" in the adapter, and
replace the return address for the new frame with a "return handler"
address (one for i2c, one for c2i).
We also save the location of the return address (where on the
stack/address in memory), for reasons explained later.
This data is saved in the JavaThread object.
We require a stack of return addresses as we could go i2c -> c2i ->
i2c and so on.

Because the last thing a compiled function does is pop the return
address and jump to it, for i2c we end up in the "i2c return handler"
and the stack pointer is 1 word above where the return address was.
As a sanity check, we can verify it matches the "expected location"
(what we saved earlier).
We track the transition then jump to the "real/original return
address" which we have also saved.

When we first did this, we encountered many crashes.
Many JVM operations rely on the return address to identify callers, such as:
- figuring out the caller when a function is deoptimized
- getting a call trace (java_lang_Throwable::fill_in_stack_trace)
- finding “activations” of compiled functions on the stack
- checking permissions for AccessController (JVM_GetStackAccessControlContext)

After identifying these "operations" which require examining the
stack, we can "undo" all our changes to return addresses before any of
it happens.
We could use the `frame` code to walk the stack, but we also saved the
return-address-locations earlier; we can replace each return address
(which should now be an i2c/c2i return handler address) with the
real/original return address.
When we do this, there is no evidence our instrumentation took place.
We redo all our changes after these operations are done so that when
the thread continues executing, we'll continue tracking transitions.
A lot of this happens in safepoints, e.g. marking active nmethods; we
unpatch/repatch at the start and end of a safepoint to handle many

Java exceptions also need to be handled.
If a function does not catch an exception, it has "finished
executing"; we will pop the stack frame and see if the caller has a
It's necessary to check for a return handler address to track a
transition back to the caller's state (interpreted/native/compiled),
and also to identify the caller using the real/original return

Lastly, deoptimization also requires careful treatment.
The jit compiler does not necessarily compile all paths for a function.
If it hits an unexpected path, it can end up in a “deopt blob” (for C1
compiled functions) or “uncommon trap blob” (for C2 compiled
functions) - these are generated in `sharedRuntime_x86_64.cpp`.
The two routines are the same to us - they replace the compiled frame
with an interpreted one, and continue in the interpreter.

If the deoptee’s caller was interpreted, we must have had an i2c
transition (we should see the i2c return handler’s address on the
Since we’re executing the rest of the function as interpreted, it’s
the same as if the callee returned to the interpreted caller.
We need to replace the return address on the stack with the
original/real one, and track a transition back to interpreted code -
we simulate the "i2c return transition".

If the deoptee’s caller was compiled, there was no transition earlier
(it was c2c).
However, we’re continuing execution as interpreted, and will
eventually return to the compiled caller.
We simulate a c2i call; we transition to interpreted code (as with an
interpreted caller), but also save the current/real return address and
replace the one on the stack with the c2i return handler's address.
When the callee returns, we will track the transition back to compiled code.

C2i return is actually more complicated if we want to do sanity checks.
As explained above, we can check that the stack pointer is a sane
value matching our recorded location for the return address.
However, interpreter frames have both a base pointer (rbp) pointing to
the "rsp on callee entry", and a "sender sp" (usually r13) for the
"rsp on caller exit".
A simple example of why this is required is the c2i adapter itself.
Because it moves register-arguments onto the stack, it needs to
allocate space on the stack.
Sender sp/r13 points to the stack pointer at the start of the adapter
before doing anything.
Rbp points to the stack pointer on interpreted method entry, after the
adapter has done the shuffling.
The return address is 1 word above rbp.

When an interpreted method returns, it does something like:
# restore callee saved registers
mov rsp <- rbp (reset frame)
pop rbp (restore base pointer)
pop r11 (return address into some temporary register - r11 is caller saved)
mov rsp <- r13 (restore stack pointer to sender sp - r13 is callee
saved and would have been restored above)
jmp r11 (jump to return address)

Therefore, by the time you end up in the c2i return handler, you don't
know where the return address was.
To verify the return address location, we had to find all places the
interpreter implemented a method return (there are various cases), and
manually check the return address right after picking it up from the
stack, before rsp is set to the sender sp.

I found code for JVMTI where it gets events for every interpreted and
native entry.
As a sanity check, enabled by the flag -XX:+ProfileIntCompStrict, on
every interpreted method entry, it checks if the state recorded
actually is interpreted.

There are some Java functions the JVM specifically makes calls to (a
lot of stuff related to classloading, e.g.
These n2i transitions are manually tracked.
We found these locations with the sanity check above.

We do not see this check failing in our workloads currently.

Hopefully this high level overview makes sense.
Comments in the code give more details regarding specific scenarios,
such as handling OSR (which is conceptually similar).
I’d be happy to answer any questions or explain anything.

Any feedback is appreciated.
Thank you for your time!

Best regards,

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