RFR (XL): 8152664 - Support non-continuous CodeBlobs in HotSpot

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Wed Apr 20 08:21:42 UTC 2016

On 19/04/16 23:10, Christian Thalinger wrote:
>> > 
>> > I don't want to reject these specific change (I came to terms
>> > with it :) but I think this should stand as bad example for
>> > changes which will not happen too often in the future.
> Conversely, if you have changes you want to get it you can use this
> as a precedent :-)

I think that's the best way to view it.  In general, we want to be as
open to innovation as we can.  If that means some stubs or hooks in
the core OpenJDK for features or ports which aren't (yet) part of
OpenJDK that should be OK.  Of course, we don't want extra overhead or

I'm going to raise this issue with the GB.


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