CFV: New hotspot Group Member: Tobias Hartmann

Christian Thalinger cthalinger at
Tue Jun 21 00:20:18 UTC 2016

Vote: yes

> On Jun 16, 2016, at 7:08 PM, Vladimir Kozlov <vladimir.kozlov at> wrote:
> I hereby nominate Tobias Hartmann (OpenJDK user name: thartmann) to Membership in the hotspot Group.
> Tobias is a Reviewer in the JDK 9 Project and Committer in JDK 8u.  He has been working on Hotspot since 2013 (he worked on segmented codecache before joining Oracle) and contributed more than 130 changes.
> Votes are due by 18:00, Thu, June 30, 2016 PDT.
> Only current Members of the hotspot Group [1] are eligible to vote on
> this nomination. Votes must be cast in the open by replying to this
> mailing list
> For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [2].
> Vladimir Kozlov
> [1]
> [2]

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