RFR (M): JDK-8159262: Walking PackageEntry Export and ModuleEntry Reads Must Occur Only When Neccessary And Wait Until ClassLoader's Aliveness Determined

Lois Foltan lois.foltan at oracle.com
Wed Jun 22 14:51:21 UTC 2016

On 6/22/2016 8:56 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 22/06/2016 13:51, David Holmes wrote:
>> How do you envisage any system classloader "dying" ??
> The system class loader (be it the built-in application class loader 
> or a custom system class loader configured via 
> -Djava.system.class.loader) will/can never be GC'ed. 
> ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() always returns a reference to it 
> (for example).
Ahh, ok, I was being overly cautious, so no opportunity to reset the 
system class loader dynamically at all? 
SystemDictionary::_java_class_loader is not initialized until after the 
module system initialization is complete.  Due to this I have updated my 
webrev to check for either the built-in application class loader or a 
custom system class loader and have renamed the method to 



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