RFR (M): JDK-8159262: Walking PackageEntry Export and ModuleEntry Reads Must Occur Only When Neccessary And Wait Until ClassLoader's Aliveness Determined

Lois Foltan lois.foltan at oracle.com
Thu Jun 23 13:53:15 UTC 2016

On 6/23/2016 7:37 AM, David Holmes wrote:
> On 23/06/2016 9:25 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> On 23/06/2016 12:05, David Holmes wrote:
>>> You said:
>>> "Module system initialization will initialize the built-in class
>>> loaders, including the application class loader. The platform or
>>> application class loaders won't load any classes in this phase of
>>> course but they will be initialized (with the modules that they might
>>> later load classes from). "
>>> What does that last part mean: "with the modules they might later load
>>> classes from"? How have modules become bound to a classloader that may
>>> not even get instantiated? If that class loader is never instantiated
>>> then why do we need a runtime test that checks for the type of the
>>> actual system class loader?
>> The graph of modules that are defined to the runtime during startup are
>> we call the "boot layer". They are statically mapped to the built-in
>> class loaders where built-in means the boot, platform or application
>> class loaders. There may be a custom system class loader that comes into
>> existence later during the startup but it's just not interesting to the
>> discussion here (except to know that it might be different to the
>> application class loader in some niche configuration).
> But you skipped the key part - why do we care about the built-in 
> loaders. In this code:
> +// If the module's loader, that a read edge is being established to, is
> +// not the same loader as this module's and is not one of the 3 builtin
> +// class loaders, then this module's reads list must be walked at GC
> +// safepoint. Modules have the same life cycle as their defining class
> +// loaders and should be removed if dead.
> +void ModuleEntry::set_read_walk_required(ClassLoaderData* 
> m_loader_data) {
> +  assert_locked_or_safepoint(Module_lock);
> +  if (!_must_walk_reads &&
> +      loader_data() != m_loader_data &&
> +      !m_loader_data->is_builtin_class_loader_data()) {
> +    _must_walk_reads = true;
> +    if (log_is_enabled(Trace, modules)) {
> +      ResourceMark rm;
> +      log_trace(modules)("ModuleEntry::set_read_walk_required(): 
> module %s reads list must be walked",
> +                         (name() != NULL) ? name()->as_C_string() : 
> +    }
> +  }
> +}
> what is "is_builtin_class_loader_data" really asking? Is it just that 
> this is a loader whose lifetime is matched to that of the VM? If so 
> then it is asking the wrong question with respect to the system 
> loader. If not, then what is it about the built-in system loader type 
> that makes it different to some custom system loader?

Hi David,

The 3 built-in loaders will never be GC'ed, neither will a custom system 
classloader if there is one configured.  Thus the JVM can make reliable 
assumptions based on modules defined to those 3 loaders.  So if for 
example, a module's reads list only has established read edges to 
modules that are defined to any of the 3 built-in loaders, the JVM can 
rely on the fact that these loaders will never die and thus their 
modules will never die.  So at a GC safepoint, that module's reads list 
will not have to be walked looking for dead modules that should be removed.


> Thanks,
> David
> (PS. Really calling it a night now :) )
>> -Alan

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