RFR: JDK-8160361: SEGV occurred at JNIHandleBlock::oops_do(OopClosure*)

Kim Barrett kim.barrett at oracle.com
Mon Jun 27 18:24:31 UTC 2016

> On Jun 27, 2016, at 1:02 PM, Coleen Phillimore <coleen.phillimore at oracle.com> wrote:
> On 6/27/16 11:25 AM, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>> Thanks Thomas!
>> Yasumasa
>> On 2016/06/28 0:17, Thomas Schatzl wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Mon, 2016-06-27 at 23:38 +0900, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> This review request relates to JDK-8160310: HotSpot cannot be built
>>>> with GCC 6 .
>>>> I encountered VM crash when I compiled OpenJDK 9 with GCC 6
>>>> on Fedora 24 x64.
>>>> This crash was occurred in fastdebug JVM which was built by GCC 6.
>>>> I'm not sure this crash relates to GCC 6, but I think NULL check
>>>> should be added
>>>> at this point.
>>>> I uploaded webrev.
>>>> Could you review it?
>>>>   http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ysuenaga/JDK-8160361/webrev.00/
>>>> I'm jdk 9 committer, but I cannot access JPRT.
>>>> So I need a sponsor.
>>>  looks good to me. Not sure why it did not crash earlier, as the
>>> _handles member has always been allowed to be NULL (from what I
>>> understand).
> I was wondering this too.  If there are no resolved_references, and now modules, it should be null.  Maybe with modules, that's less likely?

Me too.  The suggested change seems correct, but I’m concerned there’s
something we're missing.  How did the existing code ever work, and what
changed so that the reported error occurred?

> Coleen
>>> Thanks,
>>>  Thomas

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