RFR [XS] 8155239 [TESTBUG] Simple test setup for JVMTI ClassFileLoadHook

Ioi Lam ioi.lam at oracle.com
Sun May 1 08:11:51 UTC 2016


I've posted a new version:


[1] Moved libSimpleClassFileLoadHook.c to testlibrary/jvmti
[2] Added comments in ClassFileLoadHook about what it does, with suggestions
      for good replacement strings ('cellphone').
[3] strdup of CLASS_NAME, FROM and TO

I ran with RBT and it passed on all 8 test platforms.

- Ioi

On 4/27/16 5:00 PM, Ioi Lam wrote:
> Hi Misha,
> Thanks for the review. I'll fix the code as you suggested and post a 
> new version.
> - Ioo
> On 4/27/16 11:04 AM, mikhailo wrote:
>> Hi Ioi,
>>  Great. This is very helpful for the task at hand and more jvmti 
>> tests to come.
>>  Overall looks good, and I have couple of comments:
>>    - I recommend moving the libSimpleClassFileLoadHook.c to a 
>> sub-directory
>>        under hotpsot/test/testlibrary, such as 
>> hotpsot/test/testlibrary/jvmti
>>     - libSimpleClassFileLoadHook.c
>>       init_options():
>>         - would it be safer to make a copy of "CLASS_NAME", "FROM" 
>> and "TO"; I am not sure of the convention
>>           of ownership of the arguments passed to Agent_Initialize(), 
>> and who is required to free them
>>           Just checking as a precaution
>>        ClassFileLoadHook():
>>         - please add a brief comment, something like "this hook will 
>> match the class name to CLASS_NAME, and attempt
>>           to replace any occurrence of 'FROM' string to 'TO' string"
>> Thank you,
>> Misha
>> On 04/27/2016 06:44 AM, Ioi Lam wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Please review this simple test bug:
>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8155239
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iklam/jdk9/8155239_simple_classfileloadhook.v01/ 
>>> Testing ClassFileLoadHook is a pain. In many cases, we are not 
>>> testing CFLH itself, but rather "how does my feature interact with 
>>> CFLH. One example is the interaction between CDS and CFLH. This RFE 
>>> makes it easy to write such tests.
>>> Please see SimpleClassFileLoadHookTest.java for an example.
>>> I've tested under Linux and I am now trying to test under all other 
>>> platforms.
>>> Thanks
>>> - Ioi

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