RFR (XS) JDK-8153582 Logging of ConcGCThreads is done too early

Joseph Provino joseph.provino at oracle.com
Fri May 13 16:10:58 UTC 2016

On 5/13/2016 6:55 AM, Thomas Schatzl wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 2016-05-12 at 13:47 -0400, Joseph Provino wrote:
>> Please review this very small change to log ConcGCThreads
>> and ParallelGCThreads correctly.
>> Webrev:  http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jprovino/8153582/webrev.00
>> CR: JDK-8153582Logging of ConcGCThreads is done too early
>> <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8153582>
>> Messages look like below.
>> java -Xlog:gc=trace -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version
>> [0.002s][trace][gc] MarkStackSize: 4096k  MarkStackSizeMax: 16384k
>> [0.038s][trace][gc] ConcGCThreads: 5
>> [0.039s][trace][gc] ParallelGCThreads: 18
>> [0.056s][info ][gc] Using G1
>> java  -Xlog:gc=trace -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
>> -version
>> [0.002s][trace][gc] MarkStackSize: 4096k  MarkStackSizeMax: 524288k
>> [1.001s][trace][gc] ConcGCThreads: 5
>> [1.001s][trace][gc] ParallelGCThreads: 18
>> [1.015s][info ][gc] Using Concurrent Mark Sweep
>    - not sure if this is "trace" level worthy, maybe debug level would
> be more appropriate. Not opposed to using trace level, just questioning
> the reason for using trace level here.
> It does not look too detailed yet.
The original log message used trace so I kept it the same.  If you'd 
rather debug,
I'll change it.
>    - could you please use the latest webrev script available on http://o
> penjdk.java.net/guide/webrevHelp.html in the future? The added links to
> the next/pref changed file are a great addition.
will do.

    - please add a small test case that checks the output.

How do I do this?  Who should I ask?


Thanks,   THomas

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