RFR: 8157490: null stream->source() no longer causes error with -Xlog:class+load

Max Ockner max.ockner at oracle.com
Thu May 26 18:07:43 UTC 2016


Please review this very small fix for class+load logging with modules.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8157490
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mockner/8157490/

Summary:  The JCK test 
vm/jni/DefineClass/dfcl001/dfcl00101m1/dfcl00101m1 hit a SIGSEGV in the 
logging section at the end of ClassFileParser::fill_instance_klass(). 
With the addition of modules, this logging section now uses


to compute some of the module related parameters that it needs. This 
SIGSEGV originated from the above line being executed with a null stream 

Tested with vm/jni/DefineClass/dfcl001/dfcl00101m1/dfcl00101m1


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