Unexplained Jumps In Response Time "Fixed" By Disabling Tiered Compilation

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Fri May 27 10:30:39 UTC 2016

On 25/05/16 15:33, James Lent wrote:
> Two services running on two different nodes would typically jump to a
> different steady state value for the warming query.  I tried attaching
> jprofiler, but, as soon as the tool instrumented the code (and before
> actually running it) the transformation of the classes would "fix" the
> problem.  When I ran jprofiler in sampling mode it just looked like
> "everything" was running slow.  I tried manually instrumenting the code
> with only limited success (hot swapping in timing code at the high level).

If you're running on Linux, operf (with the Java JIT code) is the tool
of choice for profiling.


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