Ping: RFR: 8162865 Implementation of SPARC lzcnt

Trevor Watson trevor.d.watson at
Tue Nov 22 10:25:26 UTC 2016

On 15/11/16 11:57, Trevor Watson wrote:
> I have implemented the code to use the lzcnt instruction for both
> integer and long countLeadingZeros() methods on SPARC platforms
> supporting the vis3 instruction set.
> Current "bmi" tests for the above are updated so that they run on both
> SPARC and x86 platforms.
> I've also implemented a test to ensure that Integer.countLeadingZeros()
> and Long.countLeadingZeros() return the correct values when C2 runs.
> This test is currently under the intrinsics "bmi" tests for want of
> somewhere better (they do apply to both SPARC and x86 though).
> Thanks,
> Trevor

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