RFR: 8167200: AArch64: Broken stack pointer adjustment in interpreter

dean.long at oracle.com dean.long at oracle.com
Wed Oct 5 18:18:45 UTC 2016

Looks good, but you forgot to remove Label no_adjust.


On 10/5/16 10:56 AM, Andrew Haley wrote:
> This is a thinko in the template interpreter.
> AArch64 has two stack pointers: the system SP and the expression
> SP. The expression SP must always point to an address greater than or
> equal to the system SP.
> When we allocate a new monitor in the interpreter we move the contents
> of the entire operand stack and then insert a monitor between the
> operand stack and the frame. So, we need to allocate two more words
> (the size of a monitor) on the stack. The expression SP is adjusted to
> allow for this, and we then do a comparison to see if the system SP
> needs also to be moved. This is wrong: whenever we allocate a monitor
> we should also unconditionally adjust the system SP.
> The bug here is that we might decide that we do not need any more
> space in the system stack but later push several items onto the
> expression stack. In this case the expression SP might be lower than
> the system SP, and method arguments are corrupted.
> This patch changes the logic so that whenever we insert a monitor we
> unconditionally adjust the system SP.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aph/8167200/
> Andrew.

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