[9] RFR(L) 8166413: Integrate VM part of AOT changes

Christian Thalinger cthalinger at twitter.com
Thu Oct 27 20:18:22 UTC 2016

> On Oct 27, 2016, at 9:52 AM, Vladimir Kozlov <vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com> wrote:
> On 10/27/16 11:00 AM, Christian Thalinger wrote:
>>> On Oct 27, 2016, at 4:14 AM, Vladimir Kozlov <vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> Thank you, Andrew,
>>> There is no official port of Graal for AArch64 yet. But the work seems started based on your mails on graal mailing list ;)
>>> There are several hardcoded x86 parts in JAOTC have to be fixed. For example:
>>> lines 76-82:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kvn/aot/jaotc.webrev/src/jdk.aot/share/classes/com.oracle.graal.aot/src/com/oracle/graal/aot/CodeSectionProcessor.java.html
>>> lines 392-400:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kvn/aot/jaotc.webrev/src/jdk.aot/share/classes/com.oracle.graal.aot/src/com/oracle/graal/aot/CompiledMethodInfo.java.html
>>> And jaotc ELF interface code.
>> Btw. are we still planning to replace the ELF requirement with a Java solution?  If yes, is there an RFE for that?
> Filed https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8168858 <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8168858>
> It is not clear what container format we should use or may be simple integrate with CDS. We start discussing it because we can't use ELF on all other platforms.

In my opinion (and John’s, IIRC) moving towards a CDS solution is the wrong direction.  CDS has too many restrictions to work reliably for compiled code.  I would much rather see CDS moving more towards DSOs.

SubstrateVM is using some kind of Java library that is able to write DSOs for different operating systems.  Maybe we can open source that library and start integrating it.	

> Vladimir
>>> Hotspot changes are not simple but platform specific mostly.
>>> Regards,
>>> Vladimir
>>> On 10/27/16 2:09 AM, Andrew Haley wrote:
>>>> On 27/10/16 02:15, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>>>>> Please, review Hotspot VM part of AOT changes.
>>>>> Only Linux/x64 platform is supported. 'jaotc' and AOT part of Hotspot will be build only on Linux/x64.
>>>> Of course I'll port this to AArch64 asap.
>>>> Andrew.

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