help understanding the "putLongRelease" implemetation in openjdk9

Mikael Vidstedt mikael.vidstedt at
Fri Oct 28 04:04:05 UTC 2016

In jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/misc/Unsafe.cpp you’ll find this:

    /** Release version of {@link #putLongVolatile(Object, long, long)} */
    public final void putLongRelease(Object o, long offset, long x) {
        putLongVolatile(o, offset, x);

That is - in the default/interpreter case the putLongRelease method will delegate to the putLongVolatile method, and putLongVolatile in turn is in the default/interpreter case implemented in unsafe.cpp. However, the @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate annotation is an indication that the JIT compiler handles the method differently, and if you have a look at hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/library_call.cpp you’ll find that putLongRelease, along with the other methods in the same family, get intensified and expanded during compilation using the inline_unsafe_access C++ method.


> On Oct 27, 2016, at 8:29 PM, 恶灵骑士 <1072213404 at> wrote:
> for jdk8     according to src/share/vm/classfile/vmSymbols.hpp
> do_intrinsic(_putOrderedLong,           sun_misc_Unsafe,        putOrderedLong_name, putOrderedLong_signature, F_RN)  
> do_name(     putOrderedLong_name,                             "putOrderedLong")     
> i can find  method "putOrderedLong" in src/share/vm/prims/unsafe.hpp,
> but for jdk9  src/share/vm/classfile/vmSymbols.hpp
> do_intrinsic(_getLongAcquire,          jdk_internal_misc_Unsafe,        getLongAcquire_name, getLong_signature,       F_R)
> do_name(getLongAcquire_name,    "getLongAcquire")      do_name(putLongRelease_name,    "putLongRelease") 
> i can not find  method "putLongRelease" in src/share/vm/prims/unsafe.hpp, 
> why ?  
> Is the method "putLongRelease"  of interpreter userd version discarded?  
> only reserve the  implemetation of compiler used version?

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