RFR(10)(XS): JDK-8171365: nsk/jvmti/scenarios/events/EM04/em04t001: many errors for missed events

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
Wed Jun 7 22:17:42 UTC 2017

Thank you Chris for finding the issue.

I would like Dean to look on it since he did this changes.
One concern is change to FOR_ALL_HEAPS() will also scan AOT heap. We need to figure-out to how to scan all blobs in regular CodeCache excluding only AOT.


On 6/5/17 11:19 PM, Tobias Hartmann wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> On 06.06.2017 04:48, Chris Plummer wrote:
>> I'll wait for the compiler team to chime in. I've already asked them to have a look (this issue not withstanding) because it is their code.
> Your change looks good to me and I'm fine with the simple fix without a closure.
> This is actually a regression introduced by the AOT integration (JDK-8171008):
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/jdk9/hotspot/rev/777aaa19c4b1#l116.123
> Before, CodeCache::blobs_do() used to iterate over all code heaps.
> Best regards,
> Tobias

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