Calling C++ destructor directly in resourceHash.hpp

Ioi Lam ioi.lam at
Mon Jun 12 04:19:49 UTC 2017

Yet another "you can do that in C++??" moment.

I am looking at these two functions in "utilities/resourceHash.hpp":

   bool put(K const& key, V const& value) {
     unsigned hv = HASH(key);
     Node** ptr = lookup_node(hv, key);
     if (*ptr != NULL) {
       (*ptr)->_value = value;   // <----------- point (a)
       return false;
     } else {
       *ptr = new (ALLOC_TYPE, MEM_TYPE) Node(hv, key, value);
       return true;

   bool remove(K const& key) {
     unsigned hv = HASH(key);
     Node** ptr = lookup_node(hv, key);

     Node* node = *ptr;
     if (node != NULL) {
       *ptr = node->_next;
       node->_value.~V();        // <------------ point (b): add this??
       if (ALLOC_TYPE == C_HEAP) {
         delete node;
       return true;
     return false;

At point (a), the assignment could invoke a copying constructor of 
V::V(const &V), which could do complex allocation.

Shouldn't we add a corresponding destructor call at point (b), so 
V::~V() can be called to perform the appropriate deallocation?

Similarly, in ~ResourceHashtable(), should we also add the V::~V() calls?

... and also call V::~V() at point (a) to destroy the old value?


- Ioi

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