RFR(XL): 8182299: Enable disabled clang warnings, build on OSX 10 + Xcode 8
jesper.wilhelmsson at oracle.com
jesper.wilhelmsson at oracle.com
Thu Jun 29 16:10:02 UTC 2017
Thanks for changing this!
Looks good to me.
> On 29 Jun 2017, at 15:31, Hohensee, Paul <hohensee at amazon.com> wrote:
> I now have access to cr.openjdk.java.net, so the latest webrevs are at
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~phh/8182299/webrev_jdk.00/
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~phh/8182299/webrev_hotspot.00/
> On 6/28/17, 3:50 PM, "hotspot-dev on behalf of Hohensee, Paul" <hotspot-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net on behalf of hohensee at amazon.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the review, Jesper.
> New webrev sent, has only a change to nativeInst_x86.cpp.
> In nativeInst_x86.cpp, I formatted the expression so I could easily understand it, but you’re right, not everyone does it that way (maybe only me!), so I’ve changed it to
> if (((ubyte_at(0) & NativeTstRegMem::instruction_rex_prefix_mask) == NativeTstRegMem::instruction_rex_prefix &&
> ubyte_at(1) == NativeTstRegMem::instruction_code_memXregl &&
> (ubyte_at(2) & NativeTstRegMem::modrm_mask) == NativeTstRegMem::modrm_reg) ||
> (ubyte_at(0) == NativeTstRegMem::instruction_code_memXregl &&
> (ubyte_at(1) & NativeTstRegMem::modrm_mask) == NativeTstRegMem::modrm_reg)) {
> In graphKit.cpp, the old code was
> #ifdef ASSERT
> case Deoptimization::Action_none:
> case Deoptimization::Action_make_not_compilable:
> break;
> default:
> fatal("unknown action %d: %s", action, Deoptimization::trap_action_name(action));
> break;
> #endif
> In the non-ASSERT case, the compiler complained about the lack of Action_none, Action_make_not_compilable and default. If the warning had been turned off, the result would have been ‘break;’ for all three. In the ASSERT case, Action_none and Action_make_not_compilable result in ‘break;’, and in the default case ‘fatal(); break;’
> The new code is
> case Deoptimization::Action_none:
> case Deoptimization::Action_make_not_compilable:
> break;
> default:
> #ifdef ASSERT
> fatal("unknown action %d: %s", action, Deoptimization::trap_action_name(action));
> #endif
> break;
> The compiler doesn’t complain about Action_none, Action_make_not_compilable or default anymore. In the non-ASSERT case, the result is ‘break;’ for all three, same as for the old code. In the ASSERT case, Action_none and Action_make_not_compilable result in ‘break;’, and in the default case ‘fatal(); break;’, again same as for the old code.
> Thanks,
> Paul
> On 6/28/17, 10:36 AM, "jesper.wilhelmsson at oracle.com" <jesper.wilhelmsson at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Thanks for doing this change! In general everything looks really good, there are a lot of really nice cleanups here. I just have two minor questions/nits:
> * In hotspot/cpu/x86/vm/nativeInst_x86.hpp it seems the expression already have parenthesis around the & operations and the change here is "only" cleaning up the layout of the code which is not a bad thing in it self, but you move the logical operators to the beginning of each line which is a quite different style than the rest of the code in the same function where the operators are at the end of the line.
> * In hotspot/share/vm/opto/graphKit.cpp you moved the #ifdef ASSERT so that Action_none and Action_make_not_compilable are available also when ASSERT is not defined. I don't see this mentioned in your description of the change. Was this change intentional?
> Thanks,
> /Jesper
>> On 27 Jun 2017, at 21:34, Hohensee, Paul <hohensee at amazon.com> wrote:
>> An attempt at better formatting.
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8182299
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8182299/webrev_jdk.00/
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8182299/webrev_hotspot.00/
>> Jesper has been kind enough to host the webrevs while I get my cr.openjdk.net account set up, and to be the sponsor.
>> This rfe a combination of enabling disabled clang warnings and getting jdk10 to build on OSX 10 and Xcode 8. At least one enabled warning (delete-non-virtual-dtor) detected what seems to me a real potential bug, with the rest enforcing good code hygiene.
>> These changes are only in OpenJDK, so I’m looking for a volunteer to make the closed changes.
>> Thanks,
>> Paul
>> Here are the jdk file-specific details:
>> java_md_macosx.c splashscreen_sys.m
>> Removed objc_registerThreadWithCollector() since it's obsolete and of questionable value in any case.
>> NSApplicationAWT.m
>> Use the correct NSEventMask rather than NSUInteger.
>> jdhuff.c jdphuff.c
>> Shifting a negative signed value is undefined.
>> Here are the hotspot notes:
>> Here are the lists of files affected by enabling a given warning:
>> switch: all of these are lack of a default clause
>> c1_LIRAssembler_x86.cpp c1_LIRGenerator_x86.cpp c1_LinearScan_x86.hpp
>> jniFastGetField_x86_64.cpp assembler.cpp c1_Canonicalizer.cpp
>> c1_GraphBuilder.cpp c1_Instruction.cpp c1_LIR.cpp c1_LIRGenerator.cpp
>> c1_LinearScan.cpp c1_ValueStack.hpp c1_ValueType.cpp
>> bcEscapeAnalyzer.cpp ciArray.cpp ciEnv.cpp ciInstance.cpp ciMethod.cpp
>> ciMethodBlocks.cpp ciMethodData.cpp ciTypeFlow.cpp
>> compiledMethod.cpp dependencies.cpp nmethod.cpp compileTask.hpp
>> heapRegionType.cpp abstractInterpreter.cpp bytecodes.cpp
>> invocationCounter.cpp linkResolver.cpp rewriter.cpp jvmciCompilerToVM.cpp
>> jvmciEnv.cpp universe.cpp cpCache.cpp generateOopMap.cpp
>> method.cpp methodData.cpp compile.cpp connode.cpp gcm.cpp graphKit.cpp
>> ifnode.cpp library_call.cpp memnode.cpp parse1.cpp
>> parse2.cpp phaseX.cpp superword.cpp type.cpp vectornode.cpp
>> jvmtiClassFileReconstituter.cpp jvmtiEnter.xsl jvmtiEventController.cpp
>> jvmtiImpl.cpp jvmtiRedefineClasses.cpp methodComparator.cpp methodHandles.cpp
>> advancedThresholdPolicy.cpp reflection.cpp relocator.cpp sharedRuntime.cpp
>> simpleThresholdPolicy.cpp writeableFlags.cpp globalDefinitions.hpp
>> delete-non-virtual-dtor: these may be real latent bugs due to possible failure to execute destructor(s)
>> decoder_aix.hpp decoder_machO.hpp classLoader.hpp g1RootClosures.hpp
>> jvmtiImpl.hpp perfData.hpp decoder.hpp decoder_elf.hpp
>> dynamic-class-memaccess: obscure use of memcpy
>> method.cpp
>> empty-body: ‘;’ isn’t good enough for clang, it prefers {}
>> objectMonitor.cpp mallocSiteTable.cpp
>> format: matches printf format strings against arguments. debug output will be affected by
>> incorrect code changes to these.
>> macroAssembler_x86.cpp os_bsd.cpp os_bsd_x86.cpp ciMethodData.cpp javaClasses.cpp
>> debugInfo.cpp logFileOutput.cpp constantPool.cpp jvmtiEnter.xsl jvmtiRedefineClasses.cpp
>> safepoint.cpp thread.cpp
>> logical-op-parentheses: can be tricky to get correct. There are a few very long-winded predicates.
>> nativeInst_x86.hpp archDesc.cpp output_c.cpp output_h.cpp c1_GraphBuilder.cpp
>> c1_LIRGenerator.cpp c1_LinearScan.cpp bcEscapeAnalyzer.cpp ciMethod.cpp
>> stackMapTableFormat.hpp compressedStream.cpp dependencies.cpp heapRegion.cpp
>> ptrQueue.cpp psPromotionManager.cpp jvmciCompilerToVM.cpp cfgnode.cpp
>> chaitin.cpp compile.cpp compile.hpp escape.cpp graphKit.cpp lcm.cpp
>> loopTransform.cpp loopnode.cpp loopopts.cpp macro.cpp memnode.cpp
>> output.cpp parse1.cpp parseHelper.cpp reg_split.cpp superword.cpp
>> superword.hpp jniCheck.cpp jvmtiEventController.cpp arguments.cpp
>> javaCalls.cpp sharedRuntime.cpp
>> parentheses
>> adlparse.cpp
>> parentheses-equality
>> output_c.cpp javaAssertions.cpp gcm.cpp
>> File-specific details:
>> GensrcAdlc.gmk CompileJvm.gmk
>> Left tautological-compare in place to allow null 'this' pointer checks in methods
>> intended to be called from a debugger.
>> CompileGTest.gmk
>> Just an enhanced comment.
>> MacosxDebuggerLocal.m
>> PT_ATTACH has been replaced by PT_ATTACHEXC
>> ciMethodData.cp
>> " 0x%" FORMAT64_MODIFIER "x" reduces to "0x%llx", whereas
>> " " INTPTRNZ_FORMAT reduces to "0x%lx", which latter is what clang want.
>> generateOopMap.cpp
>> Refactored duplicate code in print_current_state().
>> binaryTreeDictionary.cpp/hpp, hashtable.cpp/hpp
>> These provoked “instantiation of variable <static class variable> required here,
>> but no definition is available”.
>> globalDefinitions_gcc.hpp
>> Define FORMAT64_MODIFIER properly for Apple, needed by os.cpp.
>> globalDefinitions.hpp
>> Add INTPTRNZ_FORMAT, needed by ciMethodData.cpp.
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