Merging jdk9/hs and jdk9/dev

Daniel D. Daugherty daniel.daugherty at
Wed Mar 22 17:18:01 UTC 2017

The plan sounds wonderful.

When JDK9-hs is made read-only, can we also remove:

The last push to that repo was done on 2016.04.14 so we're coming
up on a year with the JDK9-hs-rt repo being read-only...


P.S. has been read-only for longer
and has been read-only for
less time... Might want to retire those repos also...

On 3/22/17 11:01 AM, jesper.wilhelmsson at wrote:
> What will happen is the following:
> 1. On Thursday evening (PT) we will close jdk9/hs for pushes. This will be done before the Thursday nightly is started. To get some margin I'd say that if you haven't started your push before 5 pm PT, rebase and push to jdk9/dev instead.
> 2. On Friday I'll look at the nightly results and if there are no integration blockers I'll start the last PIT from jdk9/hs.
> 2.5. If there is anything blocking integration I will work with the relevant engineers to get the problem resolved and start the PIT asap.
> 3. Once the PIT is analysed and approved I'll push the last set of changes from jdk9/hs to jdk9/dev and ask for jdk9/hs to be made read only.
> As mentioned below, going forward all pushes that modifies JDK 9 Hotspot code should go to jdk9/dev but should still use JPRT.
> Nightly Hotspot testing will be moved to run on jdk9/dev.
> Thanks,
> /Jesper
>> On 22 Mar 2017, at 17:21, Mikael Vidstedt <mikael.vidstedt at> wrote:
>> Having heard no objections we’re looking to move forward with this.
>> Jesper, can you please provide some details on what the process is etc.?
>> Cheers,
>> Mikael
>>> On Mar 9, 2017, at 7:43 PM, Mikael Vidstedt <mikael.vidstedt at> wrote:
>>> All,
>>> As you all know JDK 9 development is ramping down, and according to the JDK 9 release schedule [1] we are entering Ramp-down Phase 2 (RDP2) starting next week (March 16). While there is a small number of open issues it is reasonable to believe that the inflow of changes will approach zero over the next few days/weeks. Any changes going forward will effectively be for show stopper type bugs, and must as such be well tested and vetted before they are integrated.
>>> Given the state we’re in with the release, and in line with earlier efforts to streamline our integration processes, we propose closing down jdk9/hs [2] and moving the remaining JDK 9 (hotspot) work directly to jdk9/dev [3]. In addition to a reduction in integration overhead, this will also shorten the lead times of getting changes into master in the final latency-sensitive phase of the release.
>>> We propose that the final integration from jdk9/hs to jdk9/dev takes place on Thursday, March 23 after which jdk9/hs will be locked down/marked read-only to avoid any accidental integrations. Any work in flight would have to be rebased on jdk9/dev. Just like today, Hotspot integrations will still be made using JPRT.
>>> Earlier consolidation projects have gone smoothly, but we will be keeping an extra eye on things and ask for your patience as we work through any issues.
>>> Please let us know if you have any feedback or questions! If no serious objections have been raised by 15:00 UTC Thursday, March 16, we will go ahead with the forest consolidation as described.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]

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