RFR: 8185925 & 8153682 (footprint reduction of java.lang.StackFrameInfo)
Brent Christian
brent.christian at oracle.com
Tue Nov 7 20:15:29 UTC 2017
On 11/07/2017 09:45 AM, mandy chung wrote:
> StackFrameInfo.java
> 38 // Footprint improvement: MemberName::clazz can replace
> 39 // StackFrameInfo::declaringClass.
> The above comment can be removed.
Whoops - thanks.
> 41 private final boolean retainClassRef;
> JVMS [1] has a note about Hotspot implementation of boolean array that
> is encoded as a byte array. That explains JOL output that this boolean
> field is 8-bit in our implementation. This field could be changed to a
> byte to hold additional flags, if any in the future. It may be good to
> change this to a byte making the field size explicit.
Thanks for the link and explanation. I agree with making the change now.
Updated webrev here:
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