[aarch64-port-dev ] RFR: 8189596: AArch64: implementation for Thread-local handshakes

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Fri Nov 24 15:30:58 UTC 2017

On 24/11/17 12:07, Andrew Dinn wrote:
> I can see why an ldar (actually ldarw) is needed when safepoint_poll is
> called from the nativewrapper. Can you explain why ldar is not needed
> for *all* calls to safepoint_poll?

Because there's no ordering to worry about: the worst that will happen
is that a safepoint will be acted on after, say, a memory location is
updated.  But because in general we don't care about that ordering, it
doesn't matter.

Andrew Haley
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <https://www.redhat.com>
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