RFR: 8186535: Remove deprecated pre-1.2 SecurityManager methods and fields

coleen.phillimore at oracle.com coleen.phillimore at oracle.com
Tue Nov 28 20:14:39 UTC 2017

Yes, I agree.  They look great.  Thank you for doing this!

On 11/28/17 2:04 PM, harold seigel wrote:
> Hi Sean,
> The hotspot changes look good!
> Thanks, Harold
> On 11/22/2017 9:37 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:
>> Please review this change to remove the pre-JDK 1.2 SecurityManager 
>> methods that have been deprecated since JDK 1.2 and marked for 
>> removal in JDK 9. These methods are fragile, error-prone and have 
>> been obsolete since the SecurityManager was revamped in JDK 1.2. The 
>> methods to be removed are: getInCheck, classDepth, classLoaderDepth, 
>> currentClassLoader, currentLoadedClass, inClass, and inClassLoader.
>> In addition, the deprecated and error-prone checkMemberAccess method 
>> (which was deprecated in JDK 8 and marked for removal in JDK 9) has 
>> been changed to throw SecurityException if the caller has not been 
>> granted AllPermission. This makes the method less likely it will be 
>> used incorrectly while still allowing some more time before it is 
>> removed.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mullan/webrevs/8186535/webrev.00/
>> Thanks,
>> Sean

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