[11] RFR(S): 8199624: [Graal] Blocking jvmci compilations time out

Tobias Hartmann tobias.hartmann at oracle.com
Tue Mar 20 14:35:28 UTC 2018


please review the following patch:

Multiple tests fail with Graal as JIT and BackgroundCompilation disabled because compilations issued
via WhiteBox.enqueueMethodForCompilation do not block. The problem is that the jvmci compilation may
time out (see CompileBroker::wait_for_jvmci_completion() added by [1]).

I think we want to avoid checking the PrintCompilation output for all tests that trigger a
compilation because that would mean that we need to spawn a separate VM process and verify the
output for all these test. Instead, I suggest to increase the timeout value for blocking jvmci
compilations and change the WhiteBox API to return false in case a blocking compilation does not
block (i.e. times out). We can then catch and ignore the timeout in the affected tests.

I've verified that the timeout value is high enough in most cases (100 runs) and that the tests
still pass in case the jvmci compilation does still time out. More tests might be affected but I
think we should only fix them on demand.


[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8146705

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