RFR: 8213486: SIGSEGV in CompiledMethod::cleanup_inline_caches_impl with AOT

dean.long at oracle.com dean.long at oracle.com
Mon Nov 19 23:00:13 UTC 2018

Hi Erik,

On 11/19/18 12:42 PM, Erik Österlund wrote:
> ...except it looks like for AOTCompiledMethods when running with 
> tiered compilation, may first be is_alive(), then become !is_alive() 
> for a while, and then get resurrected to is_alive() using make_entrant().

this doesn't sounds quite right.  AOTCompiledMethods aren't allowed to 
transition to zombie (!alive), only not_used or not_entrant, which 
should still have is_alive() returning true.  Maybe some code is using 
is_not_entrant() instead of !is_alive()?


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