RFR: 8213845: ARM32: Interpreter doesn't call result handler after native calls

Boris Ulasevich boris.ulasevich at bell-sw.com
Wed Nov 21 17:45:16 UTC 2018

Hi Nick,

   We will check and push the fix. Thanks!


21.11.2018 20:29, Andrew Haley пишет:
> On 11/21/18 10:29 AM, Nick Gasson wrote:
>>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8213845
>>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~njian/8213845/webrev.0/
>>> That looks right, thanks.
>> Thanks Andrew! Could you help to commit this patch for me if it
>> doesn't need other reviews?
> All my 32-bit Arm hardware is dead right now, so it's rather hard
> for me to test it. Perhaps someone else could try building it, or
> you could figure out some way to get me access to appropriate
> hardware.

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