HotSpot compilation latency

Tobias Hartmann tobias.hartmann at
Mon Aug 12 11:59:57 UTC 2019

Hi Stefan,

On 12.08.19 13:50, Stefan Reich wrote:
> How quickly does HotSpot start (and finish) to compile methods? Is this
> dependent on the system's speed or on wall time?

A method is JIT compiled once the number of invocations or backedges (for loops) reaches the
corresponding invocation threshold.

With TieredCompilation there are different thresholds for the different tiers:

See also slide 17 and 36 of:

> So, if I execute, say, a loop that runs for one second, is there a chance
> it will be compiled and on-stack-replaced with an optimized version within
> that second?

That depends on how often the loop backedge is taken on your system in that second.

Best regards,

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