RFR(M): 8233787: Break cycle in vm_version* includes

Kim Barrett kim.barrett at oracle.com
Fri Nov 15 06:17:19 UTC 2019

> On Nov 14, 2019, at 11:26 AM, Schmidt, Lutz <lutz.schmidt at sap.com> wrote:
> Hi Kim, 
> that wasn't straightforward. Had to adapt make/hotspot/lib/CompileJvm.gmk. Build settings like HOTSPOT_VERSION_STRING have to flow into the compile step of abstract_vm_version.cpp now. For the details, see my comments below.

Ick, that's unfortunate.  Almost makes me regret suggesting the new
file.  Oh well.  I was going to suggest you should get a review from a
build expert for this, but the changes are quite mechanical and

> Other than that, I hope the new webrev is even closer to your dreams:
>   http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lucy/webrevs/8233787.02/ 

I think abstract_vm_version.cpp should #include vm_version.hpp.  That
way, if Abstract_VM_Version provides any shared helper functions that
are defined in terms VM_Version values, it can get any potentially
overridden values.

There currently isn't anything like that, though there could be (and
perhaps should be, though currently presumably doesn't matter).  See
jvm_version(), and the initializers for _s_vm_release and
_s_internal_vm_info_string.  I think you shouldn't do anyhing about
these references in this change.

There are also a bunch of files with out of date copyrights.  I should
have mentioned that before.

Other than that, this looks good.

I assume you are running this through dev-submit and SAPs build farm
to check various platforms.  If there are any not covered by that, you
should reach out to appropriate platform maintainers.

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