RFR [XS]: 8233219: NMT output on AIX misses some categories
Baesken, Matthias
matthias.baesken at sap.com
Fri Nov 15 15:39:35 UTC 2019
Hello, please review this small fix .
I noticed that since ~ end or March 2019, some sections especially the "Java Heap" category were missing from NMT output on AIX .
Also the category "Test" ( Test type for verifying NMT ) that is tested by a few NMT related tests is missing , which caused most of the runtime/NMT tests to fail .
The following small fix brings the Java Heap categogy back and fixes also the runtime/NMT tests on AIX .
Thanks to Zhengyu for pointing me into the right direction when looking into the issue .
Bug/webrev :
Thanks, Matthias
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