RFR: 8234741: enhance os::get_core_path on macOS

Baesken, Matthias matthias.baesken at sap.com
Wed Nov 27 10:08:52 UTC 2019

Hi Gerard, thanks for your input .

New webrev :


Best regards, Matthias

> hi Matthias,
> I had to look up "kern.corefile" option, of which I was not previously
> aware - it looks like a nice enhancement.
> I'd like to suggest a few small cleanups though:
> #1 add "os::" prefix to "current_process_id()" call
> #2 restrict the scope of "os::current_process_id()" to only the branch
> of "if" that needs it
> #3 expand on the "tail" comment a bit to explain why it might be needed
> Perhaps something like this:
>    char coreinfo[MAX_PATH];
>     size_t sz = sizeof(coreinfo);
>     int ret = sysctlbyname("kern.corefile", coreinfo, &sz, NULL, 0);
>     if (ret == 0) {
>       char *pid_pos = strstr(coreinfo, "%P");
>       const char* tail = (pid_pos != NULL) ? (pid_pos + 2) : ""; // skip
> over the "%P" to preserve any optional custom user pattern (i.e. %N, %U)
>       if (pid_pos != NULL) {
>         *pid_pos = '\0';
>         n = jio_snprintf(buffer, bufferSize, "%s%d%s", coreinfo,
> os::current_process_id(), tail);
>       } else {
>         n = jio_snprintf(buffer, bufferSize, "%s", coreinfo);
>       }
>     }
> BTW. I'm glad you agree to remove the unrelated AWT change from this fix
> and let the client team handle it.

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