RFR: 8227168: Cleanup usage of NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY

Leo Korinth leo.korinth at oracle.com
Tue Sep 10 12:12:52 UTC 2019

On 10/09/2019 01:32, coleen.phillimore at oracle.com wrote:
> +1
> Except in
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lkorinth/8227168/02/src/hotspot/share/memory/allocation.hpp.udiff.html 
> Can you not document FREE_FAST?  It shouldn't be advertised.  If you 
> delete this line, I don't need to see another webrev and I won't argue 
> if you don't want to delete the line, but FREE_FAST is blek.
> thanks,
> Coleen

Thanks all for helping me with feedback and reviewing my changes.

I will add Thomas, Kim, David and Coleen as reviewers and I will remove 
the comment describing FREE_FAST. I will not create a new webrev for that.


> On 9/9/19 6:50 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>> +1
>> Thanks,
>> David
>> On 10/09/2019 7:05 am, Kim Barrett wrote:
>>>> On Sep 9, 2019, at 4:35 AM, Leo Korinth <leo.korinth at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>> On 06/09/2019 15:15, coleen.phillimore at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>> Can you send a webrev of the final version of this change?
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> Coleen
>>>> I am unsure if this is the final version; I have not got an answer 
>>>> on my two suggestions. This is the one I prefer:
>>>> Incremental:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lkorinth/8227168/01_02/
>>> This looks okay to me.
>>>> Full:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lkorinth/8227168/02/
>>>> Testing:
>>>> Only comments added, no new testing.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Leo

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