RFR: 8256318: AArch64: Add support for floating-point absolute difference

Dong Bo dongbo at openjdk.java.net
Sat Nov 14 06:28:05 UTC 2020

This supports for floating-point absolute difference instructions, i.e. FABD scalar/vector.

Verified with linux-aarch64-server-release, tier1-3.

Added a JMH micro `test/micro/org/openjdk/bench/vm/compiler/FloatingScalarVectorAbsDiff.java` for performance test.

The FABD (scalar), the performance tests handle registers directly, the average latency reduces to almost half  (~57%) of the original.
For FABD (vector), we restrict the data size (~24KB) to be less than L1 data cache size (32KB),
so that the memory access can hit in L1, and witness 14.2% (float) and 21.2% (double) improvements.

The JMH results on Kunpeng916:

Benchmark                                            (count)  (seed)  Mode  Cnt     Score    Error  Units

# before, fsub+fabs
FloatingScalarVectorAbsDiff.testScalarAbsDiffDouble     1024  316731  avgt   10  6038.333 ± 3.889  ns/op
FloatingScalarVectorAbsDiff.testScalarAbsDiffFloat      1024  316731  avgt   10  6005.125 ± 3.025  ns/op
FloatingScalarVectorAbsDiff.testVectorAbsDiffDouble     1024  316731  avgt   10   950.340 ± 9.398  ns/op
FloatingScalarVectorAbsDiff.testVectorAbsDiffFloat      1024  316731  avgt   10   454.350 ± 1.798  ns/op

# after, fabd
FloatingScalarVectorAbsDiff.testScalarAbsDiffDouble     1024  316731  avgt   10  3483.801 ± 1.763  ns/op
FloatingScalarVectorAbsDiff.testScalarAbsDiffFloat      1024  316731  avgt   10  3442.412 ± 1.866  ns/op
FloatingScalarVectorAbsDiff.testVectorAbsDiffDouble     1024  316731  avgt   10   816.301 ± 4.454  ns/op
FloatingScalarVectorAbsDiff.testVectorAbsDiffFloat      1024  316731  avgt   10   354.710 ± 1.001  ns/op


Commit messages:
 - 8256318: AArch64: Add support for floating-point absolute difference

Changes: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/1215/files
 Webrev: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/?repo=jdk&pr=1215&range=00
  Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8256318
  Stats: 209 lines in 20 files changed: 176 ins; 0 del; 33 mod
  Patch: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/1215.diff
  Fetch: git fetch https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk pull/1215/head:pull/1215

PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/1215

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