Potential sensitive information leak through JVM crash logs

Alexandr Miloslavskiy alexandr.miloslavskiy at syntevo.com
Sat Dec 24 13:18:36 UTC 2022


For a quick understanding, consider the following potential 
hs_err_pid*.log file:

stack at sp + 2 slots: 0x00000000c0401098 is an oop: org.x.y.z
{0x00000000c0401098} - klass: 'org/x/y/z'
  - ---- fields (total size 141 words):
  - 'x' 'Lorg/a/b/c;' @184  NULL (0)
  - 'myPasswordString' 'Ljava/lang/String;' @188  "My password:
correct-horse-battery-staple"{0x00000000c0b01ef0} (c0b01ef0)
  - 'y' 'Ljava/lang/String;' @192  "foobar"
stack at sp + 3 slots: 0x00007fb06effd7c0 is pointing into the stack for 
thread: 0x00007fb0680240f0

Here, crash log accidentally exposes a sensitive bit of user's 
information (the password).

In our product, when JVM crashes, we ask user to send a crash report.
But users shouldn't be worried that said report may contain something 
really sensitive.

For this reason, since we upgraded to JDK that has this feature, we 
decided to strip these object dumps from the crash log before sending it.

So far we decided to strip all lines starting from `- ---- fields` until 
one of
1) `stack at sp + 3 slots` where `+ 3` is exactly 1 more than
    previously seen `stack at sp + 2 slots`
2) a line that starts with `R??=` where ?? is any two chars,
    to handle registers
3) next section in crash log such as
    'Registers:' or
    '---------------  P R O C E S S  ---------------'.

It can be seen how it's not convenient and not very reliable to strip 
due to parsing issues. Especially when a String contains embedded \n, 
which prevents the easy solution to strip all lines beginning with ` - `
(see example crash log above).

We propose the following possible solutions:
1) Add some unique marker to begin and end of each object dump, so that 
everything between the markers can be stripped.
2) Otherwise, ensure that Strings don't span to next line when there's 
an embedded \n.

For your reference, a typical crash log can be seen in [1], where object 
dumps are seen in both sections
'Register to memory mapping:'
'Stack slot to memory mapping:'

According to my research, the feature of dumping objects in crash logs 
was (accidentally?) introduced in commit:
   5e557d86 by Kevin Walls, 2021-06-08 01:26:13
   8266967: debug.cpp utility find() should print Java Object fields.

[1] https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8284988

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