RFR: 8295110: RISC-V: Mark out relocations as incompressible

Xiaolin Zheng xlinzheng at openjdk.org
Wed Oct 12 08:25:25 UTC 2022

On Wed, 12 Oct 2022 06:40:04 GMT, Fei Yang <fyang at openjdk.org> wrote:

> Personally, I prefer the following style:
> ```
>   __ relocate(spec, [&] {
>       int32_t off = 0;
>       la_patchable(t0, RuntimeAddress(entry), off);
>       jalr(x1, t0, off);
>   });
> ```
> Then the code looks more unified to me. And we don't need to extend a new la_patchable interface.

Done - code expands a little for the `relocate()` inside `la_patchable()` is extracted to their outer callers explicitly.
The `la_patchable` only appears ~30 times in the backend so it's controllable.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/10643

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