Integrated: 8300197: Freeze/thaw an interpreter frame using a single copy_to_chunk() call

Fredrik Bredberg duke at
Tue May 2 12:17:28 UTC 2023

On Fri, 14 Apr 2023 13:45:12 GMT, Fredrik Bredberg <duke at> wrote:

> On certain architectures (like AARCH64) padding may be inserted between the locals and the rest of the stack frame in order to keep the frame pointer 16-byte-aligned.
> This padding is currently not freezed, instead freezing of a single interpreter stack frame is done using two separate copy_to_chunk() calls (see recurse_freeze_interpreted_frame). Likewise, thawing is done using two separate copy_from_chunk() calls.
> This poses a bit of a problem when trying to relativize stack addresses in interpreter frames ([JDK-8289296]( Since relative offsets may need to be changed during freezing and thawing.
> By both freezing and thawing the padding we remove the need to change any relative offsets in runtime.
> Tested tier1-tier8 on supported platforms, found no new issues. PowerPC and RISC-V was sanity tested using Qemu.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: a8d16dea
Author:    Fredrik Bredberg <fredrik.bredberg at>
Committer: Richard Reingruber <rrich at>
Stats:     100 lines in 8 files changed: 4 ins; 55 del; 41 mod

8300197: Freeze/thaw an interpreter frame using a single copy_to_chunk() call

Reviewed-by: rrich, pchilanomate, fyang



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