RFR: 8306843: JVMTI tag map extremely slow after JDK-8292741 [v2]

Coleen Phillimore coleenp at openjdk.org
Tue May 9 13:52:55 UTC 2023

On Tue, 9 May 2023 02:18:49 GMT, David Holmes <dholmes at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> My preference is to eventually make 'put' be 'put-ifwhen-absent', so I don't care which name you two pick.
> `put_when_known_absent`? 
> A basic `put` should either add or replace; a `put_if_absent` should only add else do nothing.

put_when_absent is what I have and it's fine.  I don't think we need more sentence names or changing doesn't materially improve this patch.  I was comparing to the std::unordered_map class which we want to minimally emulate and insert does insert if absent, so we shouldn't rewrite "put" to mean put_if/when_absent, but the existing behavior was surprising and unexpected to me.



PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13818#discussion_r1188633109

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